Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Out on a Lim

As if it wasn't enough for us to fall for Philip Lim's dreamy dresses and flattering cuts, now we're falling for the hottie himself. "I'm happiest sleeping next to my love," he said. "And my favourite off duty activity? Sleep, eat and more sleep!" Gosh, we're all so jealous....
New York-based Lim recently spent some time in London becoming acquainted with the capital's major fashion players and was impressed by what he found. "It was just a nice mix of different people from different professions," he said. "It was a great way to say hello to London." When the super busy designer does find time to take a break, his favourite hideaway is Koh Samui. "It's like a dream: simple, beautiful, kind." .....which reminds me that I should be going on a holiday....Beach I'm coming...

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